Friday, March 16, 2012

No Vote for Oil

Just musing on beautiful day:

President Obama and the Saudi’s are going to collude on the election. Starting in July the spigot will be turned on full blast. The price of gas at the pump will begin dropping in mid August. By mid-October it will be below $2.75 a gallon and falling and President Obama will begin taking bows.

November 7th the flow will be stopped.

The net affect will be two-fold. First is the President will be reelected. Second is numerous productive wells in the United States will be plugged due to low prices, thus increasing our dependence on the middle east.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Broad Coverage

Obama Care is going to cover female birth control because:

  1. The cost of going with out is a drain on society; IE unplanned pregnancy

  2. The great health risk involved of a pregnancy to the individual

So, does this mean Obama Care is going to pay for my new bicycle helmet each year?

  1. Cost of going without has a great potential drain on society; IE quadriplegic with brain damage

  2. Cost of not riding has a great potential drain on society; IE lack of exercise = obesity, heart disease, ETC.

  3. The great health risk of riding without a helmet on me as an individual